Thursday, 10 January 2008

Baby Boom!

Since the summer I've been non-stop knitting for new babies! I've got a bit of breather for a couple of months until April when another two babies are due, so for now I'm going to be concentrating on adult projects. I've started (and re-started and re-started!) a lace-weight scarf pattern by knit witches. I'm also going to be casting on a double-knit Beanie from the new Debbie Stoller book.

It's Sophie!

Here's Sophie sporting the Boat Neck sweater I knit for her. It's so great to see my knitting being worn!

Wrap around cardie

This wrap around cardie was for a colleague's baby. It is knitted in Oxford Kitchen Yarns' DK yarn in 'clotted cream' - an organic handmade / hand dyed yarn I bought from the Stitch n Bitch show. Again this is knitted from Natural Knits for Babies and Mums by Louisa Harding. As I didn't know whether the baby would be a girl or a boy I did the classic garter stitch edges and kept the buttons back until the baby was born. I chose these gorgeous Peter Rabbit buttons when I little Tom arrived.

I found this really quick to knit up and although my picking up of stitches on the diagonal fronts weren't great - I was quite pleased.

Hopefully I'll get a picture of baby Tom wearing his cardie soon.....

A Dress for Bethan

I knitted this dress in Sublime Extra Fine Merino Wool DK in Shade 011 (Thistle) and White. I got the pattern from Natural Knits for Babies and Mums by Louisa Harding - called Amelie Dress. I had a few problems, namely the colour of the yarn! I know all about dye lots etc, but once I had knitted the two halves of the dress I realised that they were two different colours! Also the top right had side of the dress is also different. However taking opinions from others (some knitters, some not) it didn't seem to be too much of a problem - it looks more like one side has slightly faded. Another issue I had was with the yarn itself. As the yarn is quite glossy it shows up any slight mistakes, glaringly! On the bright side, the yarn is stretchy and very soft - exactly what you want for a baby knit.

I didn't put as many flowers on as the pattern, as it would have been over the top. I'm really really pleased with the way it turned out, especially my seaming. It's the first time I had to join up a band of colour when seaming and it worked perfectly!

I knitted this for my friend's baby - she knew she was having a girl so I took the chance to make something really girly! Overall I think this is one of the best knits I've done so far and I've learnt alot along the way!